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Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented fellowship based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous.

One of the resources we draw on is our willingness to stop acting out in our own personal bottom line addictive behavior on a daily basis. In addition, members reach out to others in the fellowship, practice the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of S.L.A.A. and seek a relationship with a higher power to counter the destructive consequences of one or more addictive behaviors related to sex addiction, love addiction, dependency on romantic attachments, emotional dependency, fantasy, and sexual, social and emotional anorexia.

We find a common denominator in our obsessive, compulsive patterns which renders any personal differences of sexual or gender orientation irrelevant.

(rephrased from the S.L.A.A. Preamble)

Special Announcements:

  • New In-Person Women’s Meeting every Thursday at 7:15 PM in Triangle Club, 1638 R Street NW #120, Washington, DC 20009

  • Please email your group’s website updates to the SLAA Website Coordinator's email address:

  • Intergroup meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:15 PM via conference call. All are welcome to attend! (See for conference call dial-in info.)

  • Looking to give back to S.L.A.A.? Intergroup has service positions that need filling: Intergroup Vice-Chairperson, Literature Officer, Events Coordinator, Secretary, and Outreach Coordinator. For information regarding these positions' duties take a look at our Bylaws here under Article IV. Service positions are low-commitment ways to make a big impact on the S.L.A.A. community. Interested? Email us at or call into the next Intergroup meeting!

  • If you are a member of our fellowship interested in joining the DC Metro Intergroup Listserv, please email


Contact S.L.A.A. DC Metro Intergroup: